The imagine series, developed at our faculty at TU Delft, is a book series championing ideas, concepts and physically built results. It is for designers and architects: to inspire them and to create a culture of imagination. At the start, the editors needed to promise the publisher a series of ten books and started with imagine 01, “Façades”, in 2008. The series continued with volumes about interesting (“Concretable”, 08), relevant (“Energy”, 05) and unusual aspects of architecture (“Deflateables”, 02, which dealt with vacuum constructions, and “Rapids”, 04, which took a first look into the world of additive manufacturing for buildings, something we now call 3D-printing).
Now, with number 10 we have completed the cycle. It is again about the development and the potentials of additive manufacturing for the built environment. This technology is developing very rapidly and promises to be revolutionary for the construction of buildings. It has the potential to truly bring mass-customization on a detail level. And it is interesting to see how imagine 04, “Rapids”, helped to accelerate this development – some of the ideas mentioned in that issue felt really naive and impossible at the time. Today, a few years later, our colleagues at MIT refer to these books and are now printing with glass! This is what the book series was meant to do: to showcase potentials and to imagine possibilities.
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Peters, T. (2015). “Suddenly the ornament is free”. MARK, 58, Oct/Nov 2015
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Ren, S. & Galjaard, S. (2015). “Topology Optimisation for Steel Structural Design with Additive Manufacturing”. In R.M. Thomsen, M. Tamke, C. Gengnagel, B. Faircloth & F. Scheurer (eds), Modelling Behaviour: Design Modelling Symposium 2015 (pp. 35-44). Cham (CH): Springer International Publishing
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Strauß, H. (2013). AM Envelope: The potential of Additive Manufacturing for facade constructions. (PhD.), Delft: TU Delft
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Zaera-Polo, A. (2009). “Patterns, Fabrics, Prototypes, Tessellations”. Architectural Design, 79(6), pp. 18-27