

Carmelo Cattafi
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey


By 2030 more of 5 billion people are projected to live in cities. This global increasing urbanization is a huge concern for its environmental and humanitarian impacts. Urban dwellers currently experience new configurations and challenges for the city, brought on by a new phenomenon of gentrification and its relationship with crime. This upheaval calls for a paradigm shift based on the science of cities and public management innovation.

To fully address the issue of gentrification and crime, we need all the tools offered by open government partnership for sharing good practice and breathe fresh life into civic participation. Moving in this direction by taking advantage of new technologies to strengthen governance, the Alliance for Open Government was created in 2011, a multilateral initiative that already has joined about 80 States, which made cooperation between States, private companies, and civil society by intensifying dialogue between private and public sector.



6 October 2020


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