AM Perspectives

Research in additive manufacturing for architecture and construction


Philipp L Rosendahl (ed), TU Darmstadt; Bruno Figueiredo (ed), University of Minho; Michela Turrin (ed), Delft University of Technology; Ulrich Knaack (ed), Delft University of Technology; Paulo J S Cruz (ed), University of Minho
book cover AM Perspectives


As technology continues to evolve, it has made a significant impact on the field of architecture and construction. The introduction of additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has transformed the way architects and construction professionals approach design and engineering. With the ability to print structures layer by layer, this technology offers a level of precision and complexity that was previously impossible. The current state of research on additive manufacturing for architecture and construction is rapidly expanding, and this book aims to provide an overview of the latest developments in this exciting field at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Delft University of Technology, and the University of Minho.

The book covers the materials and processes used in additive manufacturing for construction, the challenges and opportunities of scaling up 3D printing for large-scale projects, and case studies of innovative 3D-printed structures. We explore the potential implications of additive manufacturing for sustainability, affordability, and accessibility in the construction industry.

Looking to the future, we offer ideas and insights into the possibilities of 3D printing as an ecosystem. As technology continues to improve and costs decrease, additive manufacturing could become a widespread and accessible method of construction, with implications for everything from disaster relief housing to space colonization. The potential for customization and personalization in 3D printing also offers exciting possibilities for individual homeowners and small-scale projects.

We aim at providing a comprehensive overview of the current state of research on additive manufacturing for architecture and construction, while also exploring the exciting potential for this technology in the years to come. We hope this book will inspire architects, engineers, and researchers to explore the possibilities of 3D printing and to embrace the opportunities for innovation and creativity that it presents.

Author Biographies

Philipp L Rosendahl, TU Darmstadt

Studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The work of his doctoral thesis on the fracture mechanics of thin layers is applicable problems of structural engineering such as adhesive bonding and to geophysical problems such as skier-triggered snow slab avalanche release. The author is currently working as the head of the Generative Design Lab at the Technical University of Darmstadt and co-founded the startup company 2phi, which aims at improving skier safety in the backcountry by transferring scientific advances into practice.

Bruno Figueiredo, University of Minho

Associate Professor at the School of Architecture, Art and Design of the University of Minho (EAAD-UM), being dedicated to teaching Computer Design, Computational Modelling and Digital Fabrication courses. PhD in Construction and Technology by EAAD-UM (2016) with the thesis “Decoding the De re aedificatoria of Alberti: a computational approach to the analysis and generation of classical architecture”. Member of the Landscapes, Heritage and Territory Laboratory R&D unit. Co-coordinator of the Architecture, Construction and Technology Hub — ACTech Hub, Guimarães. Visiting student of Design and Computation Group, MIT (2012). Master in Modern and Contemporary Architectural Culture by the University of Lisbon (2009), with the dissertation “Project, Computation and Manufacturing: for the integration of digital technologies in Architecture”. Graduated in Architecture by the University of Porto (2000). His research is centred on the use of digital tools in architecture, encompassing the development of generative and analytical computational models, and digital/robotic fabrication in architectural design processes, namely the implementation and control of additive manufacturing techniques.

Michela Turrin, Delft University of Technology

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology. Expert in Computational Design at the intersection of Architectural Design and Building Technology. Turrin put forward Computational Design to integrate engineering aspects into the architectural design conception, toward architectural design innovation with sound fulfillment of performance-criteria. Pursuits the development of methods for form generation, performance assessment and optimisation by means of new computational methods integrating computational engineering optimisation in architectural design. Turrin harnesses 3D printing for customised and high-performing components for buildings. Project leader and participant in research projects and international collaborations with practice and industry.

Ulrich Knaack, Delft University of Technology

Professor Dr. Ing. Ulrich Knaack (1964) was trained as an architect at the RWTH Aachen / Germany. After earning his degree he worked at the university as researcher in the field of structural use of glass and completed his studies with a PhD. In his professional career Knaack worked as architect and general planner in Düsseldorf / Germany, succeeding in national and international competitions. His projects include high-rise and offices buildings, commercial buildings and stadiums. In his academic career Knaack was professor for Design and Construction at the Hochschule OWL / Germany. He also was and still is appointed professor for Design of Construction at the Delft University of Technology / Faculty of Architecture, Netherlands where he developed the Façade Research Group. In parallel he is professor for Façade Technology at the TU Darmstadt / Faculty of Civil engineering/ Germany where he participates in the Institute of Structural Mechanics + Design. He organizes interdisciplinary design workshops and symposiums in the field of facades and is author of several well-known reference books, articles and lectures.

Paulo J S Cruz, University of Minho

Full Professor of Construction and Technology at the School of Architecture, Art and Design of the University of Minho (EAAD-UM) and Researcher at the Laboratory of Landscapes, Heritage and Territory (Lab2PT). He teaches and researches in the field of Structures, focusing on the articulation between Structures and Architecture. Co-coordinator of the Architecture, Construction and Technology Hub (ACTech Hub). President of the EAAD-UM (2021-2023 and 2004-2011). Pro-Rector of the University of Minho for Quality of Life and Infrastructure (2017-2021). Director of Lab2PT (2015-2017). President of the Design Institute of Guimarães (2015-…). Director of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Minho (2003-2004). PhD in Civil Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain (1995). Master in Structural Engineering from the University of Porto, Portugal (1991). Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Porto, Portugal (1987). Founder and President of the “International Association of Structures and Architecture” (2016-2022). Coordinator of the organization of international congresses on this theme (ICSA2010, ICSA2013, ICSA2016, ICSA2019 and ICSA2022). Editor-in-Chief of the Journal “Architecture, Structures and Construction”, Springer, since 2021.


additive manufacturing, architecture, research, construction


1 May 2024


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Details about the available publication format: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

210mm x 280mm

Details about the available publication format: Paperback


ISBN-13 (15)