
resources and building performance


Thaleia Konstantinou (ed)
Delft University of Technology
Nataša Ćuković Ignjatović (ed)
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture
Martina Zbašnik-Senegačnik (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture


book cover klabs series: energy resourses and building performance


The use of energy in buildings is a complex problem, but it can be reduced and alleviated by making appropriate decisions. Therefore, architects face a major and responsible task of designing the built environment in such a way that its energy dependence will be reduced to a minimum, while at the same time being able to provide comfortable living conditions. Today, architects have many tools at their disposal, facilitating the design process and simultaneously ensuring proper assessment in the early stages of building design.

The purpose of this book is to present ongoing research from the universities involved in the project Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments (KLABS). This book attempts to highlight the problem of energy use in buildings and propose certain solutions. It consists of nine chapters, organised in three parts. The gathering of chapters into parts serves to identify the different themes that the designer needs to consider, namely energy resources, energy use and comfort, and energy efficiency. 

Part 1, entitled “Sustainable and Resilient Energy Resources,” sets off by informing the reader about the basic principles of energy sources, production, and use. The chapters give an overview of all forms of energies and energy cycle from resources to end users and evaluate the resilience of renewable energy systems. This information is essential to realise that the building, as an energy consumer, is part of a greater system and the decisions can be made at different levels.

Part 2, entitled “Energy and Comfort in the Built Environment”, explain the relationship between energy use and thermal comfort in buildings and how it is predicted. Buildings consume energy to meet the users’ needs and to provide comfort. The appropriate selection of materials has a direct impact on the thermal properties of a building. Moreover, comfort is affected by parameters such as temperature, humidity, air movement, air quality, lighting, and noise. Understanding and calculating those conditions are valuable skills for the designers. 

After the basics of energy use in buildings have been explained, Part 3, entitled “Energy Saving Strategies” aims to provide information and tools that enable an energy- and environmentally-conscious design. This part is the most extensive as it aims to cover different design aspects. Firstly, passive and active measures that the building design needs to include are explained. Those measures are seen from the perspective of heat flow and generation. The Passive House concept, which is explained in the second chapter of Part 3, is a design approach that successfully incorporates such measures, resulting in low energy use by the building. Other considerations that the following chapters cover are solar control, embodied energy and CO2 emissions, and finally economic evaluation. The energy saving strategies explained in this book, despite not being exhaustive, provide basic knowledge that the designer can use and build upon during the design of new buildings and existing building upgrades. 

In the context of sustainability and resilience of the built environment, the reduction of energy demand is crucial. This book aims to provide a basic understanding of the energy flows in buildings and the subsequent impact for the building’s operation and its occupants. Most importantly, it covers the principles that need to be taken into account in energy efficient building design and demonstrates their effectiveness. 

Designers are shaping the built environment and it is their task to make energy-conscious and informed decisions that result in comfortable and resilient buildings.


  • Energy Flows and Energy Cycle
    From Resources to End Users
    Mirjana Miletić, Nebojša Arsić
  • Resilience of Renewable Energy Systems
    Elvir Zlomušica
  • Material Aspect of Energy Performance and Thermal Comfort in Buildings
    Ana Radivojević, Ljiljana Đukanović
  • Embodied and Operational Primary Energy Content and CO2 Emissions
    Optimising the Efficiency of the Building Envelope
    Miha Praznik, Martina Zbašnik–Senegačnik
  • Building Simulations and Modelling: Energy
    Dušan Ignjatović, Aleksandar Rajčić, Bojana Stanković
  • Environmental Design Principles for the Building Envelope and More
    Passive and Active Measures
    Thaleia Konstantinou, Alejandro Prieto
  • The Passive House Concept
    An Energy, Environmental and Economic Optimum
    Miha Praznik, Martina Zbašnik–Senegačnik
  • Methods for Design of Static Solar Shading Devices
    Sanja Paunović Žarić, Veljko Radulović, Milica Jovanović Popović
  • Economic Evaluation of the Energy Efficiency Improvement Projects
    Miloš Gasić, Tatjana Jurenić, Ivana Rakonjac


CO2 emissions, comfort, energy efficiency, energy performance, environmental, life cycle, passive house, renewable energy, resilience, resources, shading devices, simulation, thermal insulation


15 August 2018


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)